Bring new color and light to your space

Framed high quality archival prints, metal, and wood wall art pieces, as well as matted prints of any of my artwork are available for purchase.

Custom sizing, matting, and framing also available.  I work with you to find the exact size, style, and price point you are looking for.   See below for standard print pricing, and inquire below for more information, details regarding custom pricing, or to place an order.

Thank you so much for your interest!

Matted Archival Print Sizing and Pricing

All framed prints are signed by the artist. Prices below reflect standard matting and framing. Custom mat, frame, or requests may change price. Contact me below for info or to place an order. Thank you so much..

8x12 Matted Print ~ $35 (plus shipping)

Matted with high quality acid free white mat board and placed in acid free plastic cover with info card.

8x12 Framed Print ~ $175 (plus shipping)

Signed archival paper print, placed in high quality white acid free matt board, framed with simi-matte black frame, UV protective glass, and heavy duty wire hanging system.

10x15 or 11x14 Matted Print ~ $50 (plus shipping)

Matted with high quality acid free white mat board and placed in acid free plastic cover with info card.

10x15 or 11x14 Framed Print ~ $250

Signed archival paper print, placed in high quality white acid free matt board, framed with simi-matte black frame, UV protective glass, and heavy duty wire hanging system.

12x18 Matted Print ~ $75 (plus shipping)

Matted with high quality acid free white mat board and placed in acid free plastic cover with info card.

12x18 Framed Print ~ $335

Signed archival paper print, placed in high quality white acid free matt board, framed with simi-matte black frame, UV protective glass, and heavy duty wire hanging system.

Inquiries, Requests, Ideas, Etc.
(719) 679-7228